Opportunity and Structures of International Marketing
marketing is very important for every business. By this they can achieve many
business objects and gain customer review from worldwide. The scopes of
international marketing for Coca Cola are given below-
Imports: importing products from one country
to other country is the easiest way to entering the international marketing. Coca
cola buys the products from one country and sell it to their country is mean to
be importing.
Export: Exporting is the opposite concept
of importing. Coca Cola export their products to other country so that they can
also have a sell on that country and also gain popularity on that country. By
this way their products become international products.
Agreement: as Coca
Cola has reached to international level so they have many chance to do many
international marketing strategies. They can also sign contractual agreement
with other businesses. By this their market spreads, consumer spreads and
profit spreads.
Venturing: joint
venturing is mean to be combination of two different brands for a fixed time.
In joint venture, the capital, profit, losses and time period are pre decided
by the both company. Such as Coca Cola has a joint venturing with KFC.
Fully Owned Manufacturing: As Coca Cola is an international brand, so they have many manufacturing company in worldwide. By fully owned manufacturing they can hold the quality of their products also exports to the nearby countries.
The key concepts of international marketing is given below-
of foreign currency: The currency rate is not always stable. It up downs. If the currency rate is
high then the company can be profitable more but with a low currency it’s hard
to see profit.
Strategic planning: Before entering and starting international marketing every company needs to make a perfect strategic plan. Without planning they cannot do international marketing.
PESTLE analysis: The company needs to do pestle analysis of international market places. Where P stands for political, E stands for economical, S for social, T for technological, L is for legislative and E for environmental.